(For registered customers only)
How to place an order?
- Once you have selected the necessary products and added them to the basket, you can place an order.
- To do this, click on the "ORDER" button (2.1), which is located on the right side of the site, in the "My Cart" section (2.2).

3. You can proceed with payment on this page.
4. The first step in placing an order is called a "basket". Here you can see the products you have chosen to buy. Their price, amount for each product and the total amount of the order.
You can change the quantity of goods in the order. You can delete the goods you do not need.
If you find that you want to supplement the order with other goods, use the answer to the question "How can I make changes when placing the order?"5. If the order has been placed correctly, you must click the "Next" button to continue placing your order.

6. The second step of the order is "ENTRY".
7. In this step you will be prompted to enter your Login (7.1) and Password (7.2). Log in (7.3) and click on the "Next" button (7.4)
For registered users who logged in to their account earlier, this step will be completed automatically.

8. If this is your first time on our online store website and you are not yet registered, select the "Register" option (click "Register").
9. Fill in the proposed registration form. Fields with asterisks are required.

10. When filling in the information about yourself in the "Delivery address" section, pay attention to the "tick" at the end of the "Same delivery address" form (10.1). If the delivery address is different - uncheck this box and fill in the delivery address. Fields with asterisks are required. Press the "Register" button (10.2) The corresponding message will appear with a small instruction to be followed. (Your account has been created and the activation link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration. Please note that you must activate your account by clicking on the activation link provided in the email, after which you can log in to site.)
11. After registration, click on the "Next" button.

12. After registration, complete it as shown in paragraph 7 of this instruction.
13. After entering the login and password, you will proceed to the 3rd step of placing the order "Address". Here you can see and, if necessary, change "Address" (13.1) and "Delivery address" (13.2). To change the address, click the appropriate "NEW" button.
14. In the same step you can select a payment method and click on the "Next" button (14.1) to proceed to the next step of the order.

15. In this step you are invited to review your order again.
16. Check the box next to 'You must read and accept the terms of service and payment before proceeding.'
17. Click on the "Finish" button and your order will be sent to us and to your mail

18. Вы увидите уведомление «Оформление заказа завершено. Сумма 66,39 BGN будет оплачена Вами при получении заказа (Y21) Вы можете посмотреть свой заказ здесь. Спасибо за Вашу покупку.»
19. При нажатии на ссылку «здесь» Вы можете посмотреть детали заказа на сайте.